Monday, January 10, 2011

Max and the Gang are all hooked!!!

After a couple of dedicated sessions on the weekend, I got the logs all done.  I was so excited, I folded all the edges of the backing under to take this picture. And I had to stand on a chair - and the perspective is still wonky, but here it is.

I had to do a little "fancy footwork" with Max's hoof, since I had broken a cardinal rule and not run a pencil down my backing to ensure my pattern was straight. I was off a row or two, but that didn't take long - and was another valuable lesson.

As I folded in the edges, I noticed many places where my hooking could be tighter - plus some bona fide "holidays", so I have some filling in to do before the finishing begins.

Debbie from Quilters' Woodwork sent me an email suggesting "earth magnets" for hanging, so I visited the Lee Valley website and saw that they have many different sizes and shapes.

I will try to fill in the missing strips today and move on to the finishing ASAP, before I lose my momentum.  A busy week this week may mean that I have to give myself till the 21st to finish.
And try to figure out the hanging logistics....


Michelle said...

Just fabulous - love it! Please post pic when you hve it hanging. What a great idea to hide the washer/dryer.

Gayle said...

Good job on finishing your rug - it looks fantastic!

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long. Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinche...