Monday, November 19, 2012

Students: Two - Teacher: One

Happily, I received two more projects to post about in what is becoming my "brag" blog.

The first is another photo-to-mat project. This student attended both my colour workshop in Belleville and my Photo-to-Mat workshop in Campbellford. Despite a bit of overlap, she seemed to be very happy to be part of each group. And here is the little mat that she created for a friend.

She used a couple of pictures to get what she wanted, but this is the one I have on hand. She addded the little pooch and he is just adorable!


The next image is a mat recently completed by one of my regular Wednesday gals. She lives about 40 minutes away which seems a bit of a trek, but once you live up here it's nothing to travel an hour to get somewhere. It makes me laugh now, because you can actually get from "here to there" in less time than it takes you to get "practically nowhere" in Toronto

This is her first piece that she brought with her to the studio. It is Bea Grant's "beaver" and I love this rug. Despite the fact that it wasn't going on the floor, Cindy decided she wanted to learn to whip, so she whipped it. And, the yarn that she found with colours she liked is actually sock weight - so she doubled it and did a LOT of whipping. As she is on the mend from some surgery, she said she had "lots of time to whip".  After a good steam/press, it will be a wonderful addition to her home. We have her next project ready to go - she is a keener.

All this activity by my students makes me feel a little behind on my own projects. But I have been busy with gifts - things that I cannot share, lest people be checking the blog (my son? I doubt it!)  Here is a timely fellow who I started right after Christmas last year and got back out the day after Hallowe'en (when the first tv commercials began - egad!) He is now hooked and ready to have a backing put on and be put to work on the 1st of December.  He will be the official "greeter" in the front hallway, along with a collection of snowmen.

Speaking of December, other than a dusting a couple of mornings, it's been relatively mild here for the past few days. So mild that the outdoor decorations are done before any frosty fingers needed to happen. Just in case, we have snow tires on both vehicles and are putting the electric snow blower on the front deck - kind of like an insurance plan.

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