Monday, August 22, 2011

60 Ways to Turn 60

Well it happened - yesterday. The Big 6-0! As birthdays tend to do, it actually started a while ago, and will continue a while longer, but yesterday was the actual calendar day.

No big fanfare. The kids drove up on Saturday (in the rain - worst weekend of the summer). and we had a lovely dinner at a nearby resort on Saturday night.  They had to drive back to TO yesterday (in the rain - a 4.5 hour trip that usually takes 2).

Rick had already given me my Stand Up Paddleboard, I had a great visit with Elaine and Jennifer (including lunch at the oh-so-swanky Rosseau Marriott) last Saturday, so I was already cozying into the whole 6-0 thing.

My kids had something else in mind. They gave me "60 things you will love, need or want" to celebrate your big 6-0. And let me tell you, there were some pretty creative items in the big container full of goodies.

It started with the Birthday Sash, which I promptly donned.

It continued with the unwrapping of all the items, cleverly stored in a large "wool-holding" bin. After I unwrapped each item and made a bouquet of the tissue flowers, I put everything back and took this picture. I should have taken the picture first - duh!

I made them write down each one as I opened it, so here's the list:

Bin (it definitely counts as a good gift)
Sash (oh so Miss-Something-or-Other-ish)
Birthday Girl Rosette (totally re-usable for many birthdays to come)
60 decor on box and special coaster (to be inflicted on the next 6-0 person)
Umpteem emery boards (which I am always losing)
Almond Biscotti for with my coffee
Skor bits (Skor bars are my favourite)
Canned Clams (the most unusual thing in the bin - for my linguine with clam sauce)
Chocolate-covered toffees (need I say anything else?)
Magnetic note clips for the fridge and metal studio door
Wine tumblers for the boat (ssshhh)
Beauty mask
Foot scrub
Crazy cake erasers (functional and calorie free)
Skor bar (vs. Skor bits)
LCBO gift card (will magically turn into a bottle of Scotch)
6 Different flavours of Excel gum (since I always am out and borrowing from Laura)
STRUT wine - a new red with long set of "gams"on the label
Post-it notes with different "All out of" check off options, including Mojo
Vanilla bath salts - I tried them for a b'day soak - yummy
Chatelaine magazine
Food and Wine magazine
Canadian Living magazine
Gardening Gloves
Chocolate "Moose" lollipop
Boost (don't laugh, it works for an in-car breakfast or lunch on the run)
Nestle Noir chocolates
Trivia Calendar for 2012 (so I can challenge my son with his trivia beginning with "Did you know...")
Water Bottle - good plastic, non-metal
Trail Mix
Werthers Candies
Lip Gloss
Eatmore bar (did you notice a lot of chocolate in this list?)
Egg "Boiley" (a cute little thing for eggs in the microwave, which I will try this morning)
Sudoku book
Bread Recipe book
Commitments DVD
The Full Monty DVD
Beaches DVD
White Squall DVD
Flight of the Navigator DVD (my kids go crazy for their childhood movies on DVD - we have them all)
Mr. Holland's Opus DVD
Pepper Grinder (to replace the Ikea one whose top is ALWAYS coming off)
A silver frame embossed with "angels" with two hilarious, non-angelic baby pictures of them

Let's face it, it's pretty hard to come up with 60 things - I had a hard time trying to do 30 for Rick for our Anniversary, so I was blown away. They said that they had a master list they were using, but kept finding other things and were constantly texting or calling one another in the past couple of weeks with the latest "eureka".

How lucky am I to have such creative and dedicated kids!!! And it made the day.

I suggested that they had better start planning now for 100. They just laughed and said this was definitely a one-time deal.

Rick did not keep his promise of no more gifts and gave me two more Pandora charms. Even my necklace is nearly full now.

I had lots of wonderfully funny cards and many cyber well wishes. It was a pretty awesome day, albeit quiet. I didn't feel a day over 59 yesterday LOL. And today, I don't feel much different either.

But I'm sure after this, my next birthday is sure to be a bit of a dullard.

1 comment:

Jen Manuell said...

wow! That is quite the list!
Hope the celebrations continue for a few more days.... :-D

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