Monday, March 23, 2009

Another whipping post.

Round two is complete. I love how the Briggs & Little brown heather looks with the hooking and the first whipping. It has all kinds of colours in it - specs of blue and green, so it picks up everything in the rug.

It is a long journey around this rug each time, but there is something quite hypnotic about it once you get your rhythm. I spent both mornings this weekend and then some more time in the afternoons getting it done. With my coffee and favourite tunes on, my mind was free to wander as I whipped.

Where your mind goes when it doesn't need to focus is quite interesting. This weekend I kept a little note pad beside me, because I kept coming up with ideas - all kinds of ideas. All mixed up together. Some were brilliant later - some not so much. But I wrote them all down anyway.

One of the things I was working on was a music mix for my upcoming class at Trent. Since it's called 1-2 Hook a Few, I was trying to think of songs with One or Two in the title. Amazing how many I cam up with.

Then I was designing in my head - which is an ongoing activity. I sketched out a couple of things which have potential. I will add them to my idea book, which I keep forgetting to review. It has some great stuff in it. For some reason, instead of seeing what's already there, I keep adding more. And guess what - sometimes the same great idea is there more than once!!! Guess that means something.

Anyway, back to the whipping. I have opted for a single strand approach, after trying doubles on the first go round. It just wasn't precise enough and I wasn't pleased with the result, so now it's one strand, one hole and sometimes doubling up in the same hole if it's looking a little thin.

Now I must begin the third and final whip. And I think I have decided to do a roll forward so that it sits at the same height as the other two. I can't quite figure out how a roll back would sit at the same height. In my head, it would pull away from the other two which sit on top. But, I could be wrong.
And the article that I read in RHM said you could do either.

Since I need to serge my edges first, which I hope to do one evening this week, I should get this done by the end of next weekend, so stay tuned for the last instalment on triple whipping.

The picture above just shows a corner, so that you can see up close. When I am done, I will post both the close up of the third whip and the finished result. So far, I am very happy with how it looks.

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