Monday, November 1, 2010

Zippering Along

I'm definitely making progress on the new Matrix pillow, despite the workload and curling forays. It is from Jennifer's "Zipper" schematic in her Amazing Matrix booklet.

Barring any unforeseen disasters, it will definitely be finished in time for deadline, which is good, since there are a number of other projects right  behind it.

Here is an in-progress shot.

and here is the shot of the rug again, which I think it will compliment very nicely

When I showed my husband my progress yesterday, he asked if I was only making one - I guess cuz I made four for us. Obviously another one who doesn't truly understand the time involved  - even though he's under the same roof as me. LOL

Only three more colour blocks to go and I will order the pillow form today (with a couple of extras, just in case) - I think I already shared that information, but in case I didn't, the company is Pillow Decor and I ordered from their website

Hopefully, I will be done easily this week and can do assembly next week. That's the plan.


Tony Latham said...

The Zipper pillow is really lovely. Those colors are wonderful compliments to the oriental. Such a great gift Wendie!

Do you bother to hide your ends?

Some of my Crow colors have been planned for quite awhile in anticipation, while others have been a result of the great autumn glory.

Wendie Scott Davis said...

I am never sure where to respond to comments, so I am leaving the answer to Tony's "hide your ends" question here as well as on his blog. Jennifer, as you may know, is rather a fastidious gal and she has very detailed instructions regarding ends in her Matrix booklet. Not only does she encourage you to double back for her first loop, she also asks that you hide your tail from the last loop in the gutter beside the row. The only place where there are two tails together is in the middle of a row if there is a wool change. Very good discipline, since I didn't used to do that.

Tony Latham said...

Thanks Wendie,
I seem to remember reading that now that you talk about it. I gave my copy of the Amazing Matrix booklet to my Mother this past summer - she loved it Soooo much. Now, I will have to get another copy for myself.

I like the idea of hiding ends. It was my practice all of the time. I will have to start it up again when the situation arises.

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