Monday, January 11, 2010

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

What happens when you head up north and leave your hooking box behind? Well, you figure out how to use what you have. No, I didn’t bend a nail and stick it in a wooden handle, though I was tempted. Instead, I did something much, much easier.

This is my crochet hook with lots of duct tape. See, you really can do anything with duct tape, and it more than filled the bill. I got quite a bit of hooking done on Max and am feeling like I can get it done in time for the annual – mind you there is a house sale and a relocation to interrupt my plans LOL.

Here’s a picture of Max progress. I got a fair amount done on the bear, finished Max’s chest and got a good start on his legs. Then worked on the log in between. Realized I was running out of wool, so dyed some more on Sunday morning for the logs. And voila – a perfect match. The old is the little piece on top of the new. I think that’s my biggest victory so far in a dyeing match. I felt quite proud.

In order to make sure that my hookless situation never repeats, as soon as I got home, I put some of my hooks into a separate “cottage” pack along with some small scissors and a magnifier and measuring tape. So I’ll leave that pack there to make sure I always have tools.

But it was great to discover that no amount of adversity can keep a gal from hooking when she’s determined.


Jen Manuell said...

I'm LOVING Smokey. He's my favourite, I think....but it's been a while since I saw Rocky and Morris. Looking good girl!

Kim said...

LOL Very smart! Its amazing the lengths we will go to when we get the urge to hook. The rug is looking great.

Anonymous said...

Duct tape, the rug hooker's friend. I've recommended it, but never done it. Glad it worked. (I have a couple of empty handles if you want one. GRS

Wendie Scott Davis said...

Where do empty handles come from? Maybe I should have some just in case...a thought that never crossed my mind. Thanks goodsheperd53

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