Sunday, January 18, 2009

A colourful workshop.

My first Colour Planning with Monet workshop was held yesterday at Mia Wilkinson’s studio in Ancaster. Thanks to the Oakville branch of the OHCG for being such eager students and giving such positive feedback to this endeavour.

Although there aren’t any photos of “product”, there are a few of “process” and that’s what I am sharing here. In typical fashion, people took the concept and ran with it in a number of different ways – which is what makes the whole thing so exciting.

The venue was perfect, as you can see from the pictures, for a workshop on colour planning. Having this many colours to choose from was not only a functional need, but being surrounded by this much beautiful wool was truly inspirational.

The day was a mixture of technology – a computer demo of colour planning with Paint as well as good old fashioned trial-and-error laying wool out in combinations that pleased the eye, the mind and the group.

This whole week has been one in which hooking occupied about 80% of my brainpower. Pity the poor clients who got the other 20% - just kidding; I really can focus when necessary. But every minute of non-working time was spent percolating about colour and projects and upcoming events. It was very stimulating.

Our hook in is just around the corner (February 7th) so our branch meeting was a lot of show and tell of people’s finished houses. They are fantastic, and as individual as our members. I will have lots to show after the day – figure it’s not fair to reveal ahead of time.

The two new social networks “The Welcome Mat” and “Rug Hooking Daily” were a constant source of joy and camaraderie throughout the week, with so many nice comments left of my page. And a bounty of rugs to be admired on everyone else’s. It’s a virtual rug show that you can take part in and visit any time you want. But I can see why facebook became such a problem for many employers. I could easily spend the whole day here.

I really enjoy the weeks with this much hooking in them. They feed my soul, my imagination, and my face time with other hookers - all the parts of me that love this craft so much.


Jen Manuell said...

Glad to hear the class was a success (although I had no doubts! ;-) ) I recognized Linda in one of your pictures - she hooks with my friend Cathy in Burlington, and sat beside me for Heather's class in Shelburne. It's such a small world, this hooking world...

ShabbySheep said...

Wendie, I have never seen so much wool in one place!!! Yummy. I shopped the thrift stores again yesterday and filled up the washing maching. A good trip!!
Wish I could visit the shop where you were.

Val said...

Wow! Talk about wool envy!!!!!! Glad I can just enjoy from afar and not really have to decide what I would choose!!!!!! :)

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