Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy 2013

I can't believe it is this long since my last post, but it was a scramble into Christmas and then a blur since then. We just recovered from New Year's and then celebrated hubby's birthday on the 5th.

We had a wonderful Christmas. Both kids came plus daughter's beau. The boys had to head back to the city on Boxing Day, but Laura stayed till the Friday.

They LOVED their pillows and I was able to take a couple of pictures to share.

Daughter and beau with pillow #1 of 2. Second under way.
Son hiding behind his pillow. His words - my design.
Oh, can also share the un-shareable photo from before Christmas - the gift that I made for Jennifer.
Here is a pic from the designer, Tiny Owl Knits. He is called Mr. Mini Fox and there is a bigger version of him as well. The designer has a very funny video about him on her home page.  And if you check it out on ravelry, there are lots of adorable versions of him. Here is a link to her page on ravelry. All her designs are a little quirky and lots of fun.

My next project (besides the ones started and languishing) is this Bee Keeper's Quilt, also from Tiny Owl. I figure it is the perfect "travelling" project. And a great way to use up all the leftover sock yarns that I have. You knit each of those little "hexipuffs" and then tie the corners together to make the quilt. Or, you pack tiny balls of yarn into your suitcase, to be replaced by tiny hexipuffs on the way back.

I am not a big resolution maker, so as much as I would love to say I will finish all my UFO's or something equally as sensible, I probably won't. I know myself too well and there is always that NEXT thing calling my name.

But I wish you all a wonderful year of fibre adventures. Happy hooking and knitting and felting and whatever else you undertake.


Jen Manuell said...

Love my foxy - of course! and thanks for sharing the snap of Laura's AMM pillow. It's never boring to see the various colour combos people make up. Good job! <3

Cathy G. said...

Hi Wendie,
I absolutely LOVE all of your great finishes! Wonderful gifts! The pillows are gorgeous! The kids are so cute.... the one behind the pillow is left to our imagination! LOL!
That foxy scarf is very cool! Lucky Jen!! I will have to check out that designers website!
You accomplished so much this past year!! It will be tough to beat that this coming year!!
Happy New Year!
Cathy G

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