Monday, June 4, 2012

Hilarious Off and On

Well, I finished the Dead Fish Hat last night and took some pics. Here are two views - one semi overhead and one more overhead.

And here is one "on my head". Trust me, it took a few tries to get something I was willing to share.

Now this is a hat that would always make you smile - while making and while wearing (if you are brave enough). And others as well. I heartily recommend making one or ten. There is a woman on Ravelry who was making 52 for a charitable cause. Here's a link to the pattern. 

You will have a lot of chuckles looking at the 4638 hats that are there. 


Jen Manuell said...

v. cute! And a great way to use up lots of little leftover bits, too!

Cathy G. said...

Wow! So that is what a dead fish hat looks like! I love it! But it looks pretty lively to be called a dead fish! LOL! It must have been really fun to knit! You wear it well!!!
Cathy G

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