Monday, February 8, 2010

Happiness is ...

We had our 5th annual Upper Toronto Branch hook in on Saturday and it was another in a string of successes. Over 100 eager hookers from all around the province came to enjoy the day.

The theme this year was "happiness is..." and our branch was invited to hook or bring a rug that made them happy. I didn't think I'd have time to hook a piece, with all the flux in my life, so I wrote this poem for my show and tell:

Happiness is in my hook.
It’s in every loop I’ve ever pulled
It’s in every piece I’ve ever made
It’s in the mat I’m working on
The one I’ve just finished
And the one I haven’t dreamed up yet.

It’s in every class I’ve ever taken
And every lesson I’ve ever taught
It’s in the noisy chatter of hookers sharing their craft
It’s in the quiet solitude at the end of a stressful day

And it’s in special days just like today
In a room full of happy, smiling faces
Of amazing women I would never have come to know
If I had never picked up my hook.

But I did end up making this little mat, which I think will be a wonderful addition to the future studio.

A great day was had by all. Our guest speaker, my friend Debbie Anderson talked about her work as an art therapist and finding happiness. It was an interesting presentation with just the right amount of science and creativity.

The sun was shining. No snow in sight. And a whole day to spend with friends catching up and sharing our passion. And I think the vendors had a booming business day - lots of people adding to their stashes.

And then I got to spend the rest of the day and evening with Jennifer, and gabbed and knit and hooked and watched Glee.

It doesn't get much happier than that.


Kim said...

Your little rug is cute, but your poem says it all......its perfect.

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Your rug and your poem ~ wonderful!! The hook in sounds wonderful, too!

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