This is a picture of the third round of whipping for Totem 40. As you can see it is basted in place (no, this is not "rope" effect for the outside whip).
This is the first cord of the three that did not sit ON TOP of the backing. It is rolled inside the backing, in a roll-forward method. This means that instead of rolling the backing to the outside around the cord, you roll it in towards the hooking. (If you click on the image, you can see it full size - HUGE - and get a better idea of what I mean.) "Roll forward" is my favourite method, because it eliminates the need for tape around the back - and especially here, I'm keen to lose yet another finishing step.
Interestingly, the bulk of the backing over the cord produces a third size of whipping. It is quite a bit fatter than the first one (closest to the hooking), but still a lot narrower than the fat, middle one.
I will also try to do double strand whipping around this third cording, as it will go faster and cover better. I realized as I was basting the third cord that a few strands have separated on the second cording, so I will have to go back around it and fill in, which I wouldn't have had to do had I doubled my strand.
At our Teachers' Branch meeting last Saturday, Bea Grant did a presentation on Triple Whipping with Cord, which was very similar to what I have been doing here. (Amazing how coincidences like the timing of this seem to happen all the time.)
All the teachers were asked to bring a small piece to try this finish on. One of the things about it is that it gives smaller pieces more presence. (Plus she didn't want people to have to hook big pieces for this exercise.) But, she asked me to bring my rug to show how this effect looked on a big piece.
Bea shared a little tip about keeping your whipping smooth and not twisted as you go, and that is to actually keep your finger inside the whipping loop until you can lay it in place. I am going to try this and see if it does eliminate the bulk that happens when the strands twist. (Not sure this makes sense without a demo, but if you try it on your next whipping project, you should be able to see what I mean.)
So, for Easter Weekend, my task is to complete Round Three. I find it quite relaxing to do, but certainly not as creatively challenging as dyeing or designing, which I will postpone until this is finished.
And it will be ready for display at the Annual. So those of you who will be attending can see it "in the flesh" at the show.
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