Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What a view

I had a new visitor leave a comment on my blog yesterday. She found her way to me though another blog - which is how we all seem to find one another. So I clicked my way to her blog - which is called "h00kw0rm" and has been added to my list of links.

This is the view out Julie's dining room window! And I thought my cottage view was amazing. Whoa.

She is a relatively new hooker, who like all good Maritimers, has the gift of the gab and tells a great story. She saw the Deanne mat on my blog and that prompted her to leave me a note. We have many things in common, aside from our respect for DF.

Her blog is delightful and I'm sure you will all enjoy dropping by. And it's fun to find another new friend in this wonderful wide world of web.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks for including me in your blog list as I love the connection between all of interested in blogging. Sharing ideas and stories, is really the essence of rug hooking.

I lived and worked in Ontario for many years and although, I am still connected and visit regularly, I like the quieter Maritime life even if the weather and shopping, isn't as good.

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