Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Before and After Sweater.

I knit this wonderful sweater a while ago and posted a picture of it on my blog.
It was knit out of wool that I had originally purchased for a sweater for my hubby - he ended up not liking the fit and a "frogged" the whole thing. I knit him a different sweater and the wool hung around for a while until it became this sweater.

Because the camel-brown colour isn't great with my white hair, I found I didn't wear it very often and wished I had done it in another colour.

This past weekend, with my friend Jennifer giving me the moral support I needed, I dyed the sweater blue. I dipped a bit of unknit wool in the dye and decided I liked what was happening, so I went for it.

I am happy with the results and know that I will wear it much more often now. (Sorry the picture's not great - it's a phone picture.)It's great with jeans and it totally matches my glasses ha ha. It took quite a lot of blue dye - in fact all I had. And I wouldn't mind if it were a bit darker, so it may end up going back in the dye pot when I have the time.

But it was a good lesson in dyeing and in being brave enough to try something. And in having a good friend standing by to tell you it will be o.k.

Thanks Jen. I love my "after" sweater.


Gayle said...


Lisa said...

That's beautiful! I love that you kept trying to find a way to work with it, good lesson :)

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