Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Proud as a ..........

Isn’t he magnificent!?

This is the rug created by Liz Brock, another student in my Wide & Wonderful class at OHCG last fall. He is adapted from a greeting card - yes, with the artist’s blessing - and from the moment we saw the colours she had chosen for him, we knew he would be a majestic fellow.

Liz had a good start on him by the end of the weekend and gave me a couple of updates on his progress since then.

She has forwarded a picture of him, completed, to the artist who so graciously said “yes” to the adaptation.

The colours are true to the original piece, but the little smirk on his face emerged during that very first weekend and we all thought he was a bird with attitude.

Thanks so much for sharing him with us, Liz. I feel as proud as he looks.

He is a bird worth crowing about. (Sorry, I just can’t help myself.)

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