Sunday, November 10, 2024

A Fun Top to Make. A Fun Mat to Hook.

 Yesterday I pulled the last few loops on this little 8 x 10 mat.

It was inspired by an artist I discovered on Instagram. Her name is Debbie Rose Miller, and here is a link to her page Debbie Rose Miller.  When I was sewing this little top in the summer, I came upon Debbie's "Off the Wall" series of paintings, and knew instantly that I had to hook a similar piece to her work. 

I reached out to get permission, and she was so happy that she had inspired me. In her words "That's what art is all about." I shared the finished piece with her yesterday and got back a wonderful response. I think this is the beginning of a long friendship - long in distance and in time.

How wonderful it is when you admire someone's work and approach them to adapt it - and they say yes. A true compliment to them that you want to recreate something they made. This is not the first time that I have had this experience, and I am pretty sure it won't be the last.

The joy is that, unlike artists who are long gone, whose work inspires us, these contemporary artists find out that their work is inspiring others while they are still here.

And Debbie's work is filled with colour and happiness in a time where we desperately need both.

Make sure you go and have a peek. 

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