Friday, January 5, 2024

A New Online Adventure



Hope your holidays were filled with love and joy (remember, I'm a big seeker of joy and mine certainly was). 

I started my year off with a big learning curve.

As mentioned before, I am one of the instructors teaching a Zoom workshop in Workshop Week 2024. My workshop is Creating Fibre Art in the Age of Technology, one of my passions.

Here is a link to their Instagram page, where you can see all the information about the lectures and classes during the week.

My workshop filled incredibly quickly and a second one was created for March 2. It too is filled. I am so thrilled that so many people are interested in learning about the free, online tools that can be used in mat making - or any fibre art, for that matter. 

As part of our instructor responsibilities, a group of us were asked to take over the Workshop Instagram page - for a day - and tell the followers a bit about ourselves. My day was January 3rd. I had not taken over a page before, so that was a lesson unto itself. And then I had to figure out what I was going to say. 

I eventually settled on six posts, which I spaced throughout the day. You can see them (should you want to) if you go to that page.

I feel like I can put another notch in my "online adventures) belt. 

And it is always fun to learn something new!!!

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