Thursday, February 4, 2021


It's always been funny to me that Groundhog Day is an actual thing - sort of.  If you believe that 3 "rodents" can predict spring. Once I saw the movie "Groundhog Day", the importance of the rodents was greatly diminished. And Groundhog Day took on a whole new meaning. 

As we approach a full year of pandemic living, I have started referring to time as "Groundhog Day: Not the Movie". Here are a couple of my favourite Groundhog memes:

That said, since retirement there has always been a sort of rhythm to my days. But before COVID it was at my preference, not the pandemic's control. So now, the rhythm is sometimes a bit suffocating.

Thank heavens for technology! In particular Zoom and FaceTime. Without them, I wouldn't see my friends or family. And thanks to them I do, on a regular basis. Probably even more often than before this whole odyssey began.

And I wouldn't have been able to teach without Zoom! If you had told me a year ago that I would be teaching workshops and classes on Zoom - and loving it - I would have told you to give your head a shake. But there you go. As my friend Lisa would say, COVID isn't just "thorns". There are a few "roses" in there too. 

My Jeanius Bags are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, and today I will be teaching the first session of my third workshop on Zoom. It was always one of my favourite things to teach and works perfectly on Zoom.

I am teaching it again at the Virtual Annual of the OHCG in April. And in May with the Rug Hooking Guild of Nova Scotia's Virtual Rug School. Instead of rug hookers giving up and waiting for this to be over, teachers and students alike are embracing the Zoom. 

Add to that my Hooking in the Age of Technology, which I am teaching 3 times at the Virtual Annual, and you can see that my dance card is filling up quickly. 

Because I enjoy this so much, and because I think there will be a lot more Zoom teaching time, I am looking at other workshops to see how they could be adapted. I think in the future, virtual teaching will still have a place, even when schools and "in person" teaching are safe again. 

What are the benefits to Zoom teaching? Not having to go anywhere. Not having to load the car. Not having to unpack and repack your classroom at the other end. And students can come from anywhere. East Coast, West Coast, all across the US and even England. We may look like the opening of The Brady Bunch, but we actually do get to know one another a bit. And we all have fun!!

My hooking and knitting and mask making continue as well, so I am not lying on the sofa, and not binge watching too much Netflix. The mask making has seriously put a dent in my fabric stash, and I need to figure out what I will use for men's masks, since most of my remaining fabric is decidedly female. 

I just knit a pair of socks for each of the grandkids and made them each a Valentine's Day necklace. Little people socks go very quickly, but I know they will also be outgrown very quickly. I take comfort in thinking that J's socks may last long enough for E to inherit them.  Hopefully Canada Post will get the there before the 14th.

The "Stool Pigeons" are progressing nicely, and I love how happy I feel when I work on this piece. It's only the second mat I have hooked in yarn, and it's not the fastest piece, but I love it. Once the top was done, I realized that the birds were the most fun part of the design, so I have added them to the 4 side panels as well.  Here is a progress shot.

With many Groundhog Days ahead, I don't feel pressure to get things done. I just enjoy the doing and am very grateful to have all these fibre addictions to keep me busy. 

Hope you are all getting some projects done during this time. They sure keep me sane. 

Stay safe. 


Mary judith said...

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I made contact with him by mail, and we had a little conversation. He asked for a few of my details which I sent to him, i made an order from him to cure my breast cancer as well. three days of making order , i receive the medication from fedEx, i was very happy because i believe i will be cured with this herbal medicine sent from dr morata, i used the medicine the same way dr morata instructed.few weeks later of using the medicine my cancer was gone, i was surprise and even went to my dr for proper checkup which was confirm negative. you can also contact him on behalf of your illness that hospitals couldn't cure dr morata can help. contact him WhatsApp +2349028574982 or mail me for more information

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