Thursday, April 9, 2015

Little Hooking. Much Bragging.

The two weeks since we came home from Barbados are a total blur. Re-entry is difficult at the best of times, but this year it has been exceedingly bumpy.

We had no sooner landed "in the woods" than we needed to turn around and head back. A broken bridge for Rick that couldn't be totally fixed in B'dos resulted in a marathon day of dentist appointments last week. Two implants and a crown will replace the bridge - for an amount of money that could seriously build a REAL bridge. Yikes, why didn't we all become dentists!!

Then a 30th birthday celebration followed by the Easter Bunny visit - and we have spent an inordinate amount of our time back in the car.  And the treks will continue for the rest of the month.
Add a lot of work (the freelance variety) to that mix and I have not pulled a single loop!!

Luckily for me, others have been hooking, so I get to do some bragging.

I have always said that the best things about being a rug hooking teacher is the students who come into your life. Luckily for me, many of them keep in touch long after the class is over or the teaching is done. And here are two examples of exactly that.

The first is a student, another Wendy, who came to my classes in Toronto where I co-taught with my pal Elaine.  I have been lucky to see Wendy at a few hooking events since I left 5 years ago, and it is always nice to give and receive a hug from her.

Last week, she emailed me and attached a picture of a little sheep mat she did. The pattern was from Donna Grudnik and Wendy said she loved hooking this curly sheep. It is her new favourite subject after cats, and I think it will be the first of many.

The next person to contact me was my friend Lori, who lives here in Parry Sound. She is the person who came to a Magdalena Briner Eby primitive class without ever having pulled a loop. That is pretty brave, but not only did she finish that first project, but she has gone on to completed a bevy of projects since. This is a piece she did for her sister. I helped a tiny bit with the design, but as usual with Lori, she was off and running. She is a thrifty hooker who believes in recycled wool as much as possible. I love that! I think she did an amazing job - and more importantly, so does her sister.

I am hoping that in the next while, I will get back into my frame and hook. But in the meantime, the bragging is almost as good. I love having people share these wonderful projects, so that I can in turn share them with you.

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