Monday, April 22, 2013

Sharing Some Knitting Treasures

Last week, right after I had posted here, one of my oldest and dearest friends, who has returned to Fredericton for her retirement, sent me a link to the most fantastic website/blog for those who appreciate things that go on inside the minds of fiber artists.

Check out this wonderful, magical place.  Make sure you click on the Meet the FAE link, so you can see these creations up close. What an imagination their creator possesses. And when I asked if I could feature her here, she told me to go right ahead. So, with permission, I get to share.

Here is the one that was my pal's inner fairie. I think she is called "Fifth" and you can see all her special wardrobe and additions.  Obviously, no two are alike and if you are in touch with your inner fairie, you can have a custom one made for yourself.

It must have been something in the air that day because, as I was spending time in Fairyland, my husband came into the studio with a package that was just delivered - out here - in the middle of the woods!!

Remember at Chrstimas when I posted about the Twelve Knits of Christmas? Well Fiona Goble, the author and designer of that book is at it again! She has just released Farmyard Knits, which is available at (where I got this image)

Inside are 14 farmyard finds - including a tractor (so cute!) and a pattern for a farm play mat that doubles as a blanket. What a wonderful treat for a toddler to keep forever. I may just have to get going on this after I finish the next 500 hexipuffs!!!

In the meantime, a friend is coming to visit in a couple of weeks and she will go crazy for this. She has been needle felting all kinds of animals for her grand daughter and I think this will be right up her alley.

I am always thrilled when things that come off a set of needles are this creative and clever. Who says that knitting can only be about socks and sweaters. Heck, Fiona also wrote the "Knit Your Own Royal Wedding" book!!!!!

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