Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Colours Are Amazing.

After such a dry summer, it is wonderful to look around and see the amazing palette that is fall. Those blue skies embracing the oranges, yellows and reds never get old for me. Perhaps it is because autumn is such a short sprint towards winter.

In our new hood, even a walk down the street is a feast for the eyes. I guess the proliferation of maples gives the spectacular colours that we all love so much, despite knowing what comes next. And after being brown for most of the summer, the lawns are all a glorious green again. We even saw a new batch of dandelions on our walk yesterday.

Before Thanksgiving, I decided to punch a large oak leaf for our front door. Using very bulky yarn, the project was going very quickly. In fact, in two sessions, I had it mostly done. Then came the 4-day visit with the grandson. Despite believing I would finish while he was asleep - either nap time or bed time - it came to a grinding halt until after the holiday weekend.

As soon as he was gone, I got back to the easy finish and knit two large acorns, which I attached to the leaf. I mounted it on a piece of foam core board and hung it from the hook on the door.

It is about 20 inches long and 10 across, so a great size to fill the door. Am thinking that it could use one more acorn, so will get to that in the next day or so.

Now that sweater weather is just round the corner, my needles are full with projects both in progress and waiting.  I have made a promise to myself to try to use up as much stash yarn as possible. We will see how that goes.

The success and speed of the punched oak leaf has convinced me to use my bulky yarn collection for at least one of the headboard projects waiting for hooking.

I will post as I go on progress.

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long. Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinche...