Monday, September 26, 2011

Falling in Love with Fall

A perfect little maple on the path.
The leaves here in the near north have just begun their colour show. And it is very localized, it seems. On Saturday, we drove to Huntsville and there were lots of glorious leaves along the Aspdin Road. But on Sunday, we went to Killbear and there was barely (no pun intended) any change there.

Our magnificent "sign" maple, which is common in these parts.

At Killbear, the change is just beginning.

Some pretty berries on the rocks.

A remarkable sign of how much the water levels are down.

 As we drove around and ooh-ed and aah-ed at the colours, I realized that I think they are the most splendid when there is still green around them. Without the contrast, they aren't quite as spectacular.

And my mind kept going back to this incredible piece of wool that I won at a hook in last summer.
All the glorious fall colours contrasted against the greens and blues.

Mother Nature NEVER gets it wrong.

Another "New - Not Hard" Thing

If you don't know who Kay LaFevre is, you need to go and check her out right now. Here is a link to her FaceBook page  https://www.faceb...