Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So it begins.

This is the picture that I took with my phone camera on Sunday at the cottage. (Sorry it's a tad small - still getting used to the new phone and all the gadgets.)

Yes, it does look beautiful. And yes, the drive out the cottage road was like being inside a Christmas card. The snow was clinging to every branch of every tree, like so much shaving foam.

And since the ground wasn’t frozen yet, we didn’t get stuck getting out the driveway. Amazing how that can still happen despite having 4-wheel drive on all vehicles. Guess ice is ice.

But, it’s still November, Mother Nature, so back off! I’m fine with December, when snow is expected. But after the big summer rip off this year, snow this early is definitely adding insult to injury. (We had another winter where, in my diary I had two entries: November 1 “It’s showing!”, and May 1 “Oh my God, it’s snowing.”) Hopefully this is not repeat performance.

Luckily, I had gone into town on Saturday and found everything I needed to dress up my hanging baskets. Since it was teaming with rain, I worked in the screened in porch and created my little masterpieces. They looked incredible, and hopefully still do, though I couldn’t see them under all that snow when we left.

This year, because the weather wasn’t cooperating in my usual gathering of the greens, I had to come up with Plan B. A little ingenuity and a trip to Home Depot and Dollarama and my baskets are as festive as anything. I found plastic (hopefully that means non-breakable) metallic balls which I secured into the soil in the baskets with chopsticks. They were the perfect diameter to go in the opening of the ball once I took the hanging thingy (the technical term) off. Hopefully, they will stay put for the winter. And hopefully, I can add some fresh greenery when the weather cooperates.

Once the hanging planters were done, I was happy to sit and relax with my hooking. There is something wonderful about sitting and hooking in my log place, fireplace going, cozy slippers on, husband happily watching football on the couch. I had a couple of hours to devote to Totem 40 before getting on with dinner.

When we headed to bed later, a few light flakes had begun to fall. Little did we know what was in store for the morning…..


Unknown said...

I recently started reading your blog. Thanks so much for sharing your time at Deanne's rug hooking symposium. I attended last year but could not make it this time. Your comments and description made me feel like I was almost there. This is one of the great thing about blogs like yours.
Please continue to share, I am relatively new to rug hooking 3 years, and more ideas for projects than time. BJ

Wendie Scott Davis said...

Thanks for visiting Brenda.
I love seeing who is stopping by.
And I know from the reaction to the coverage of the symposium that there were many who enjoyed the recap - even those who couldn't be there this year.
I have just experienced Shelburne through my friend Jen's (Fish Eye Rug's) posts, so I know exactly what you mean.
Come again soon.


Another "New - Not Hard" Thing

If you don't know who Kay LaFevre is, you need to go and check her out right now. Here is a link to her FaceBook page  https://www.faceb...