Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's that time again.

What is it with that overwhelming urge to buy a new pencil case that hits us all every September? Is it because it follows a summer that was maybe not so structured and we crave that? Is it because our brains are ready to learn new things and face new challenges?

I don’t have the answer to any of these questions, but have spoken to so many people who feel that pull no matter how long ago they last attended an institution of higher learning.

In the world of rug hooking, it’s pretty much the same. At least for me. Groups get back together. Guild meeting dates get marked on the calendar. Classes start again after a summer apart. And workshops and schools are back.

This weekend, I am teaching my first Jeanius bag workshop of the season. Our Chapter of the OHCG has picked our group project for next February's hook in. And I am booked for several “gigs” in 2009 already.

Three of these sessions are at my friend Karen Kaiser’s new endeavour, which she fondly calls “A little piece of heaven.” If you visit her website (see link in favourites) you will understand where the name comes from. Amazing location, outstanding itinerary and a pretty wonderful line-up of classes and teachers. Definitely something for everyone. And, in typical Karen fashion, everything is incredibly well organized. The girl has thought of everything and then some.

It’s pretty wonderful to think that hooking school choices keep expanding for all of us. Whether it’s a weekend retreat or a week-long school, you can find just about any topic of interest near where you are. The hardest part is choosing.

For those of us who are still working full time, it’s not easy to keep taking vacation time (especially without your significant other) to attend schools. But I spend lots of time fantasizing about all the ones I'd love to go to. Every year I vow to get to Shelburne and the Red Barn Show - next year for sure. This year my special treat is Deanne Fitzpatrick’s Creativity Symposium, which is just a month away (yippee).

If you don’t know where to find schools and groups in your “hood”, check in the back of Rug Hooking Magazine. Or visit the website of your local hooking guild - in Ontario, visit the OHCG website for a calendar of schools.

And as per my wonderful mentor Barb D’Arcy’s advice, “never stop taking classes”. Trust me when I say there is always learning to be had, whether it’s a weekly class where everyone works on their own project, or a dedicated workshop on a particular topic. Students learn from teachers and teachers learn from students. In any group dynamic, we all learn from one another.

So get yourself a new pencil case if you really feel like it. If nothing else, it’ll be perfect for holding your hook and scissors. And it will scratch that ‘back to school’ itch.

1 comment:

Jen Manuell said...

Hello friend! You've received a Blue Ribbon! Come claim it on my blog ;-)

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