Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Therapeutic Hooking

There are lots of different ways that people centre themselves. For some, it is running; for others, yoga. For me, it is hooking that restores my soul. Pulling a few loops at the end of the day seems to dissipate the stresses I have collected in the big bad world. I’m able to focus on something small that I can control.

Some nights, I may not get to pick up a hook until 10:00, but an hour of hooking is almost always enough to settle me. If I don’t take the time before I go to bed, the worries of the day start to spin inside my head the minute it hits the pillow and I lie awake trying to sort them all out.

Some people find reading before bed helps them fall asleep. My problem with books is that my eyes usually tire before my brain, and I close my eyes to find my brain still humming. I guess this means I am more tactile than visual in my settling requirements. I need to connect with the wool - go through the motions.

Therapeutic hooking isn’t always pretty. In fact, sometimes the next day, I end up pulling it all out. That’s o.k., because sometimes the pulling of the loops is needed more than the actual results. Runners don’t always have a destination, do they? It’s just the running they need.

Then there’s that rare day in which I find a couple of hours all to myself. When I decide to spend those hours hooking, it’s like a present to me. I’d choose it over a manicure or a facial anytime. And I’d scramble to get everything on my “to do” list done, just to reward myself with that hooking time. It rejuvenates the soul and lets me completely lose track of time.

And, at the end of a few sessions, there’s a rug or wall hanging or purse that you get to enjoy for years to come. That's what I call great therapy.

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