Monday, February 3, 2025

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long.

Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinched nerve in my neck, followed by a "trip on air" fall, left me out of commission for a big chunk of the end of the year.

However, I was still able to do a limited amount of hooking and knitting. And a lot of reading!!

Two new hats for the grandkids. A ponytail hat for Everleigh - who didn't know they existed - and was crazy about hers. Until she cut her hair into a short bob!!! This is a picture from the Ravelry pattern called "Holey Hat"..

Of course, Jackson wanted one as well, and he picked the Poke Ball hat, which I had already knit for him. He said he "broke" it. I didn't know how you can break a hat but apparently, it got caught in a tree and when he tried to pull it down with a stick 'it broke".

And continuing in the spirit of red hats, my sister Beth asked me to knit her one, and I thought the Anemone hat would be fun for her. I was right, she loves it!! (This is me with it on, not her.) This is me, I might add, a week into a horrid chest cold that I am now on day 16 of - mostly gone.

On the hooking front, I have been busy getting ready for two upcoming Workshop Week workshops. The topic is "Creating a Values-Based Portrait from a Photograph". I have 12 students in each Zoom workshop, and they are very excited, sending photos of loved ones, human and furry, that will be rendered into hooked likenesses.

Although I had some values-based samples to share, I decided to hook a portrait of my mom from a photo when she was about 30. I have had this photo tucked away for many, many years. And this was the impetus to hook her likeness.

Here's the photo

And here is the latest progress shot. Just some background to finish. What a cathartic experience is was to spent this time with her. She passed away when I was 25.

From the sublime to the ridiculous, I am spending my other hooking hours working on the polar extreme of this project. I am hooking a 60's van in bright neons and alternative fibres. This is being done in the first-ever "OHCG Hook-along".  The van is the visual "icon" for the 2025 Annual in the spring in Cobourg, Ontario. And 73 people signed up to participate in this event. We get together on Zoom every other Thursday night, until February 27 - so only a couple of sessions left. So much fun is being had!

Here's the latest progress on this silly, smile-inducing project.

So, there's a bit of a catch up. Good to have so many things to share. Thanks for reading.

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long. Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinche...