Friday, November 17, 2023

Background Check

Well, my original instinct about the background turned into reality this week. Once I had one of the swirls done in the light values at the top, I was able to check the multi-grey value background against all the different swirls.

And I am happy with it, at least so far.

Here is a picture of it around the dark to medium areas. By placing the lightest values of the grey next to the dark outline of the dark swirls, it separates nicely and allows me to add the other grey values into the negative space between the swirls - always an interesting thing to hook. 

And I could kind of reverse the value order of the greys around the lighter swirls. And I think it is working there too.  I have proved to myself that I can tailor the background grey values around each and every swirl. I was so excited to see the progress that I hooked myself into a cramp today. 

As far as the initial purpose of this rug - Hooking for Joy - I can say that every step along the way has been filled with joy. Ask me again after I slog through the straight line hit-or-miss. 

I will update again once I am cramp free and get going again. lol. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Progress on Hooking for Joy

 Let me begin by saying how much I am enjoying hooking this.

After so many yarn and 4-cut projects, this is like stretching my arms and flying. Plus each little "swirl" is unique. And there is no "wrong" in this. So it is very freeing and joyful. Guess I am achieving my goal even though it is early days.

The idea was to have the spheres get lighter as I moved up the rug. So the bottom was very dark. Then came some medium dark. Then medium. And I am moving towards the medium light. Then the light. 

There are swirls on the other side of the centre panel as well. Smaller, but still quite a few. And the centre panel is just straight line hit-and-miss. I am popping in a few leftover strips as I go to hold the spot as the values need to change from dark to light in there as well. 

Once I get all the swirls done, I will have to figure out my background.I am leaning towards different values of grey in the negative space between. If I have a light, dark and medium, I can use whatever value I need next to each sphere. The lighter ones will need medium and dark next to them - the darker ones will need the light.

By the time I share my next progress post, I should have a little test of the grey background in a few places. It's nice to be able to move around and work on what brings me joy at each sitting.

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long. Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinche...