Thursday, August 4, 2022

The NANA BLANKET is done.

Yup. It is off the needles, knitting done, fringe added to ends, i-cord finish on the sides and steam blocked. (I couldn't even imagine wet blocking this beauty.) Here it is sitting on the love seat in the living room, while the steam blocking cools. 

If you have been following these last few posts, I really didn't have much of a plan for this labour-of-love. Just knew I would only use my sister Nancy's yarn, and let it lead the way.

I did know when I did the first black and white band that the last band would be the same and there would be black and white fringe on those ends. And as I ran out of some colours, I introduced something similar from her "stash", without once dipping into my own. Actually, that's a bit of a fib, because her white ran out before I finished the fringe on the second end, so a did dip a tiny bit.

Of everything I have ever knit, this has to have been the most special. Because it was all yarn from her stash - DK and heavier. Because it was for her grandson. And because I got to be with her every stitch of the way. (This project may be done, but she sure left me enough started projects and sock weight yarn for many more.)

The final size of this blanket is about 54" wide, by 60" long plus the fringe (which is 4"). I could have kept going, but the stash was really getting low on colours, so I let it tell me when to stop. Pretty sure it's the perfect size for snuggling and thinking of Nana.

Not sure what project to move into next. But I will keep you posted when I decide.

On the hooking front, I finished "Bums in the Window" and gifted it this past weekend. Since it was a favourite photo, it was very well received. These little 8 x 10 moments are so wonderful to do. And I never run out of them. 

Also, since my last post, I did a stone carving workshop, in the Zimbabwean style. It was an incredible experience to go from this rock on Saturday morning...

to this Warrior Princess on Sunday afternoon.  I originally thought I was carving an angel, but when she got heated and waxed, the beautiful veins in the rock decided what she really was. Many thanks to ZimArt and in particular our teacher Tapiwa Mapurwanga, who was there when needed to bring the angel out of the rock. 

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long. Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinche...