Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Will 2021 be the Year of the Do-Over?

For me so far, January has been filled with do-overs. But they have been good ones. And I am glad that I did them.

First up, my knitting do-over:  "THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM."

Years ago, I bought this gorgeous wool.  It is Madeline Tosh Vintage and the colourway is Thunderstorm. It was love at first sight, but it wasn't the right pattern until third try. 

The first project was a Norah Gaughan pattern called Anhinga.  And I loved the look of this pattern. When you look at this picture, WHICH IS NOT ME, it looks like the perfect pattern for this yarn.  Not exactly sure what the problem was, but I think the yarn was a bit too thick and it didn't drape well. I just never wore it. 

But I still LOVED the yarn, so I found another pattern that looked absolutely perfect. Another designer I love - Thea Coleman - had this fantastic cardigan pattern called "Dark and Stormy". I did a gauge swatch and enjoyed all the cable work. (Note: this image is NOT my sweater.)

When it was finished, it just didn't fit me properly. It was wide through the body and I didn't like the way the front edges of the cardigan sat - one seemed a bit shorter than the other. Probably, I didn't pick up the stitches correctly. I was going to just ravel back the collar and front bands, but as I got into that, I realized that I mostly didn't wear it because it was too warm. 

So, another day spent frogging all that good knitting, and on to the next pattern. 
Today is the first day I have put it on since I finished. And I love it!!

This is Stillhouse Vest by Thea Coleman.  Another wonderful cable design, but in a sleeveless vest that was quick to knit and is NOT too warm. This picture IS my vest - you can tell because I am the worst selfie taker ever!!

Because this pattern asked for an even heavier yarn, I went up a needle size until I got gauge and then set off using this wonderful yarn for the third time. Because I cheated on the needle size, it is nice and lofty - and definitely not too hot. So I think it will get a lot of wear. (And I have enough left over to do a hat and maybe some mitts.)

A younger me would have given up and hidden that yarn away somewhere. But the old, wise me knew that this much-loved yarn needed to be made into a much-loved project.  I am so happy I persevered.

Now, for the hooking do-over. 'WHERE PUNCH GOT PUNCHED OUT."

My first hooking project for 2021 is an Ikea stool cover, a project offered by Cindi Gay on her website. I registered for this course close to two years ago, and have been mulling over a design since then. I finally came up with an idea, which I decided to hook with Briggs and Little yarn and punch needle. I have punched a couple of things in the past and figured this would go more quickly.

As I got into it, I wasn't happy with the loop side of the hooking. The pattern was fuzzy, the lines indistinct and despite grooming and trimming, I wasn't feeling the love. 

Time to bite the bullet and pull out several hours worth of punching and start over. Amazing how fast it comes out compared to going in.

But again, the right decision was made. I started re-hooking - with the yarn - with a hook, and immediately fell in love with it.

I am enjoying this project so much more now that I made the tough do-over decision. I will keep updating progress. 

Hopefully the entire year will not be a do-over of 2020. Hopefully the vaccines will get into everyone's arms before the end of it. And hopefully, we can see and hug our loved ones, before this year is over. 

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long. Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinche...