Monday, April 25, 2016

Still not finished.

Winter that is.

Today we got up to light flurries which ended up blanketing the poor flowers that have been blooming for a whole week in the gardens. Man, were they surprised.

And speaking of not finished, today I am spending the day with four mats to get them finished. Three are for my upcoming Doodle class at Trent and the fourth one is a "first mat" by a friend who is smitten with hooking, despite the fact that it does not agree with her fibromyalgia.  

Here is a pic of the first zentangle-inspired mat I hooked in Barbados in 2015 (I know, I put off finishing forever...).  I know lots of people have mentioned the Clover quilt clips which I am using here. They are awesome for holding things together while you stitch.

This little mat was hooked with pantyhose and is being whipped in cotton. Not sure if it will become a pillow someday, but no rush, right?

Some people are much better at really "finishing" their mats once the hooking is done. Here is a picture of a wonderful mat hooked by a student at Loyalist last year. Thanks Jane for allowing me to share it here.

Love the background!! And love how she snuck a row of that bright green in around the top of the horse's head and his tail to pull them away from the border. Brilliant in oh so many ways. I am so looking forward to seeing many of these mats in person at the 50th OHCG Annual at Deerhurst this coming weekend.

Maybe by then winter will be REALLY finished and so will a couple of my mats. Fingers crossed.

Friday, April 8, 2016

I think Spring's spring is broken.

Since we have been home, there have been three storms that have resulted in accumulation. Yes, they mostly melt pretty quickly, but that is not the point. It should NOT be this cold in April. You know the saying "April showers...."

So despite best intentions, I have NOT been walking in the mornings. Too slippery out there and when you live on a street called Summit, you can be pretty sure that there are big hills involved. Maybe today I will bite the bullet and go and join the Wellness Centre nearby. Who knows when spring will actually show up?

In the meantime, I have been hooking away on my multi-colour moose. And am pretty pleased with what I came up with for background and a border suggestion.

I have quite a bit of hooking left to do on my class samples, so had best keep moving on this colourful character.

Right now there is a sale on a Fabricland and polar fleece is 40 -50% off. I think for projects like this, especially if you want a lot of black and white, it's the perfect alternative to wool. And as far as pillows and bath mats go, it feels amazing on your feet.

I heard from another student this week who turned her OHCG fall project into a bag. Another way to make good use of a smaller piece - and promote the art of rug hooking out there.  Thanks for letting me share your picture Debbie.  I am pretty sure you will get lots of questions and compliments.

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long. Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinche...