Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ring in the New Year in Style

Wow - I can't believe it has been nearly a month since my last post. Glad nobody is hanging in the lurch between them.

We are in Toronto, camped out at my friend Elaine's home while she and her family are in Florida. She tried to convince me that they needed house sitting - and maybe they did - but we sure appreciate having a home base over the holidays. We are so grateful!

It has been a crazy time, juggling our kids with the "outlaws" and figuring out where we are supposed to be and when. But I think we have been where we were supposed to be, when we were meant to be there and we really enjoyed being able to get to spend time with everyone this year.

Our little grandson celebrated his first birthday in style. Here he is in the tuxedo cardigan that his proud grandma (that'd be me) knit for him. Isn't he handsome? Luckily his mom took it off long before the cupcake moment - an entirely different set of pictures.

This was one of the many homemade gifts that I managed to get finished in time. 
Everyone seemed pleased to receive them.

Amazing what a year can bring into your life. A new grandchild has redefined a number of relationships - with him, with our daughter. It is all brand new. And it shows you that you are never too late to re-invent yourself.

Tonight, he is sleeping upstairs. His parents are out for a much-deserved night off. And tomorrow starts the second year of his life, with so many adventures ahead.

I hope all of our lives are filled with adventures too. And I have realized that this year, I am flipping the Happy and Healthy New Year to "Healthy and Happy", because I believe that one really does determine the other.

I wish you all good health - and much happiness for 2015. Hope we all have many sharing moments in the year to come.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

International Rug Hooking Day

In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of TIGHR’s (The International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers) founding and to promote rughooking, rug punch, proggy, and braiding using these techniques in traditional to contemporary interpretations we have declared DECEMBER 4, 2014 the International Hook-In Day.

Rug Hooking Magazine has invited people to post pictures to their facebook page as well, so there is lots to see there.

Due to many conflicts, I was unable to host anyone here in the studio today. But if you click on the link above, you can see what other rughookers are doing around the world.

My students were here on Monday and here is a recently-finished piece that will be on full display during the festive season.  Great job Shania!

On my frame, some little "gifties" that can't be shared or the surprises will be ruined.
Happy hook-in day to everyone. Next year, I will hopefully plan something around the date.

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long. Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinche...