Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother and Baby Photo to Mat

Maybe it was influenced by Mothers' Day. This week I hooked this little sketch of my daughter Laura with Jackson. The picture was taken here at our place while they had a little nap on the sofa. I knew when I snapped it, it would become a sketch mat.

And here is the little hooked sketch - only 6 1/2 x 9 - using mostly 6 cut for the face and baby and 8 everywhere else. 

As usual, I played with the photo in to simplify the image. This was the "pointillism" treatment, which was interesting. I even considered trying to do a proddy effect. But since I wanted to give this as a gift to Laura, I figured she would prefer this. I really liked the effects it created in the background. 

I also discovered a new online site called snapstouch, which is an even simpler program than befunky.
Here is the painting result from there.

Both of these tools create a simpler "painterly" image to hook from. I prefer the options in befunky for some images, but enjoy being able to try both.  So much simpler than photoshop for getting rid of some of the little details and creating a value sketch. 

Once I got the pattern on the backing, this was a pretty quick little project. And something I am sure she will love to have in the nursery. These are the moments that fly by too quickly and it's nice to save them this way. 

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