Monday, November 18, 2013

This Sure ISN'T Cuba.

I was awakened this morning by howling winds around 4:30. Scary, but for some unknown reason, we DIDN'T lose power. We always lose power, so I was waiting for the generator to kick in at any moment. Apparently lots of the rest of the province did, so we got off easy.

Here is what we got this morning.  And now calm has returned. November really is icky!! (technical term)

And to think that just 5 days ago, we were here:

The Lagoon rooms at Melia Cayo Coco
Our balcony which was nearly always too hot to sit.
Our shady perch where we retreated between beach walks and dips.
It was our first trip to Cuba and it won't be our last. The people are incredibly warm and friendly and the cost of this "all inclusive" was incredible. We tried doing the math for what things should have cost and couldn't figure out how they can sell the packages that cheaply. I guess buying 8 months ahead helped us get a really good rate. And it sure helped us get through November.

meanwhile, back in the woods....

We are getting more and more excited about little Jackson's arrival. If he is exactly on time, he will be here exactly one month from today. But he is a baby after all, and they do what they want, when they want. And our daughter says she is ready. He can come any time after December 6th - her last day of work for 6 months.

There will be another little "great" a month later. My niece is having her first, so I will be a great aunt - again. Her baby is also a boy, Grayson, so he and Jackson should have fun growing up together. In preparation for his arrival, I made this:

If is a combination of flannels that make it incredibly cozy. And all of the flannels are more "big boy" than baby, so it should last a long time. It makes a great lap quilt as I learned while hand stitching the binding.

For this quilt, I purchased a walking foot and it sure made the quilting part easier. I am learning something new from each of these quilts. Squares are easier than triangles. And machine quilting is soooo much faster than hand quilting. Note to self: next time, avoid plaids. Although I am relatively happy with this, they did pose a bit of a challenge. Second note to self: fabric is never printed "on grain" so random prints are best for quilting.

Also did a bit of dyeing yesterday, one for my stash and one for a student. Haven't been in the pots for a while and feeling good about the results. Both formulas are from Christine Little spots book "Sky Blue Pink With a Green Smell" (best title ever!)

That's Golden Green on the left and SkyBluePink on the right.
So, that's almost hooking, right? Well, I think once I put the sewing machine away - one project to finish still - and get the "rush" sweater done, I will be back on the frame again.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Some People ARE Hooking.

That's right. Maybe not me, but lots of my students and friends are getting things done and sending me pictures to prove it.

It is so gratifying when people send pictures of finished projects to me. I can't even tell you how special it is. And it is a gentle nudge for me to get back into it too.

So here are a few projects that have bragging rights in there.

A beautiful "jeanius bag" done by a fellow hooker in Ottawa for her granddaughter.

One of two pillows done by a local gal for her two sons. 

A wonderful primitive mat done by a student at Loyalist college.
It's so nice to have a post about rug hooking again after so long. Even if it's not my own. LOL.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Big Sister Monster

The knitting projects continue to roll off the needles.

This week, I finished the Monster for the Big Sister "Abby" in Montreal who is expecting her little sister in late January. All those little things last post are for the new babe, but I believe that every older sibling deserves something special when the new arrival comes along.

So meet "Vinnessa" - the girl version of Vinny V in Rebecca Danger's "Knit a Monster Nursery" book.

She is considerably larger than the first little monster, but even more fun to knit. I think she will be perfect for a 2-year old to haul around or just sleep with. She is very soft and snuggly and I love her little feet and hands, which have been attached and then reinforced well, so as not to be tugged off.

Here she is with her little sister monster. I see a bit of a family resemblance, don't you. Something in the eyes maybe????

I believe there will be a few more monsters off the needles before all these babies arrive - and afterwards as well. In the meantime, there is a quilt on the cutting board for Grayson, my niece's first - also expected in late January. It is a simple project, in flannel, so it will be cuddly and warm for a January boy.

So the hooking famine continues - at least for a bit longer.

A Busy Beginning to a Brand New Year.

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, but I can't believe it's been this long. Amid a myriad of physical mishaps: a pinche...