Knowing in advance that it isn’t going to be a great weekend means being prepared. I packed my new Bolivar cutter and my trusty old sewing machine in the car, so that if the weather did as predicted (remember my joke a week ago?), I would have no down time. Even less down time than when I just have hooking and knitting waiting.
So, the first picture above shows my cutter in its new habitat. It is a thing of beauty and hopefully will be a joy forever. I actually didn’t take it out until today (Sunday) since I spent yesterday sewing, so I’ll talk about that first.
My sister Beth’s birthday (she is plenty-nine just like me) just came and went and in typical Scott Girl fashion, we couldn’t get everyone’s calendars to work re a date to get together. So, it will now be on the 19th of August, which is technically closer to my b’day than hers, but that’s also typical of a Scott Girl get together, and we are quite used to doing 2-fers.
Anyway, one of her birthday requests was a canvas shopping bag – one with shoulder straps, which aren't nearly as plentiful as those without. No problem, I would just make her one – custom. I happen to have some canvas lying around the cottage, left over from the window coverings that I made for our screened-in porch. Perfect for shopping bags, and lots of other bags, too.
So I spent Saturday afternoon making bags- first the one Beth specifically requested, and then my own personal version of the famous Bean type bag. I liked the prototype of the second one so much that I made a third. So three bags in one sitting – not bad. And I will give Beth her pick of the litter, in case she likes the shorter strap better after all. Now that I have created this pattern, I can re-purpose all the old blinds into bags. I do love to recycle and this will be a great way to wrap all those upcoming Christmas gifts. After all, the canvas is green.
This morning, more rain - no problem. I took my coffee downstairs to “future studio” and removed my wonderful new cutter from the plain brown box. It is quite a piece of hardware, just look how it glistens. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out how to turn the blades, but eventually I got it, and I was off to the races.
When people say "it's like cutting butter", they aren't exaggerating. Of course, this one is even better, because it is mine! And I realized what else it is when you use one that you can’t quite put your finger on – it purrs!!!! The cutting is effortless and the machine actually makes a wonderful sound as it cuts, which sounds just like a cat purring – or an engine purring - and that’s a nice sound to make, for a cat or an engine - or a cutter!
Does a faster cutter turn you into a faster hooker????? Hmmmmm. Not sure, but I finished the head of my little raccoon – got the log finished between Rocky and Max, and managed to fill in some antler wool to boot. All of that is less than three hours. That’s fast, even for me.
No, I didn’t swim. I didn’t paddle boat. I didn’t kayak. I didn’t even go for a big walk. But, I sewed, and I cut, and I hooked and I knitted.
And not a single ray of sunshine was needed for any of them.